statement of purpose

the purpose of this blog is, to document and expose cases of copyright infringement and illegal file sharing, committed by members of divers piracy groups on yahoo, google and other platforms. Each case published on this blog is proven by documents, which you can receive as a copy, if you send a mail to abuse(at)nkdigitalart(dot)us. The NKDA Team hopes to be of service to the community by exposing IP's of pirates (people who share the products of others without permission and/or against the will of the copyright holder), so other small business owners can protect themselves or at least be aware of the problem

This blog is not about 'shares by accident' , but it will be updated regular with cases of ORGANIZED piracy on social platforms, which can and will be proofed due investigation by forensic digital experts in co operation with a lawyer, specialized in international copyright law.

The postings on this blog will also show, how much of these illegal activities are organized and well planned with the goal to destroy small businesses and online stores period by threatening store owners either way to comply to the pirate's demands or to suffer the consequences in form of excessive file sharing of pay-to-use products.

additional postings about piracy generally and social structures in groups and/or social networks will also be published here.

the authors of this blog do not give legal advice, only sharing experiences and the results of research. For further steps you might want to take, please consult your attorney at law.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stormy , a designer and pirate - sad but true

copyright infringement and illegal fileshares by fellow designer Stormy
another major case of illegal filesharing, piracy and art theft occurs and I think, the designer community should know about it, since this time it is not the common snagandsharer, but a lady, who calls herself a designer, this is her blog

this lady is nothing but a pirate, she shares kits in various social net works and should be ashamed of it. Not only mine but also many well known designer like shabby pickles, sweet shoppe, gorjuss, IAL, french frog and so on, also tubes from CILM, MPT, gorjuss, artwork by Dana Sitarzewski (jaguarwoman), me and others

in my opinion she is nothing but a DISGRACE for the designer and art community

I uploaded a screen shot of the recent shares, if you recognize your product, please contact and you will receive the original email, so you can take care of links and complaints, I contacted Dana and Suzanne already.

you find the screenshot of the illegal shares sent by this person here

her ip is( [])
her email
her yahoo profile beauty_stormy

it is pitiful, that working class designer and artists have to go through this kind of trouble to stop pirates like her, who calls herself a designer. DISGUSTING!!!!!

Stormy, if you don't understand what this is about, i am more than willing to translate it into German for you

here is the original mail header for those, who still cannot believe Stormy really has done this, oh yes, believe it or not, you can tell your fellow designers the truth and they don't want to believe neither hear it, oh luvydovy scrappy world - WAKE UP!!! this is a war and you will miss it lol, even worse - you also will be a victim of this person since she shares not only one kit but oodles of them. Go join those groups and see for yourself, maybe you will get the idea of what is going on in the scene by SEEING with you own eyes what you don't want to believe.
of course, if you consider piracy and illegal shares as a kind of advertisement for your stuff, then let her and others go on with it, I can care less and know how to take care of myself (but don't say you haven't been warned)

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Angelica Sellers aka KatNKDA
Posted by Kat at 3:15 PM
Labels: scandals